Saturday, 18 February 2012


Delegate from Nexus include:
Nicole Lee> Guatamela
Adam> Morocco

What happened?
 The First Day
The ECOSOC is quite a small committee and we managed to finish up all the opening speeches, giving delegates an insight as to who to pull in for resolutions of the topics posed. For me, it was something like an introductory session where I get to know each delegate's viewpoint on certain issues as well as the countries that they are representing.

Majority of Day 1 was to collaborate with other delegates to come up with resolutions that can solve the issues at hand. As the regulation of financial market appealed to me most and the extensive research that I have done about the topic, I decided to be a co-submitter of the resolution. The regulation of the financial market is very important because without a strict regulation, financial markets will crumble, one by one thus we must strive to avoid this at all costs.

Our resolution was one of the first to be submitted so we had extra time to look over it and come up with speeches and POIs for the passing of this resolution to solve the problem. We look forward to Day 2 where the debate commences. 
~Written by Nicole Lee~

The Second Day
Today on ECOSOC we were able to get two resolutions done. Now of course many have said to me that ECOSOC will be funny and I will love it, they were not wrong when they said it. ECOSOC is nice to be in for first times. The second resolution we did had a few jokes in it but it was good nonetheless. The third one that we were not able to finish definitely had some good things in it mostly some jokes that we all could not keep our laughter in. (I was able though)
~Written by Adam~

Ever seen Adam so serious before?  

The Third Day
Nicole giving a speech
Day 3 started off quite quickly as all the delegates were very familiar with the procedures. We went straight into debate about the third resolution about universally accessible medical aid. As most of the debate was done in the day before, we moved into voting procedures and we had an unanimous vote for the well written, specific and effective resolution.

After a 15 minutes break, we debated about another resolution on the same topic submitted by Bangladesh instead. A lot of delegates brought attention to USA's extensive military spending and that if that was cut down, all the money can be used for providing medical aid to LEDC countries instead. Also, some delegates also brought attention to one clause which suggested to have a water plant/ pump in every district in the whole wide world. This clause was not agreeable to many because not only exhaustive in manpower, it is quite idealistic to be able do so in a short amount of time. While it is definitely very good in the long run, so many people are already dying so a more short-term solution may be more beneficial. Another clause that was brought into debate was the implementation of undergraduates to do fieldwork in rural areas. Now this was simply just too much because people in LEDCs should not be under the jurisdiction of being treated as white rats in the laboratories where the doctors can actually "experiment" on. This was then amended due to its controversial nature.

It was more relaxed, not as tense as the first day. A delegate came up with an amendment that all doctors should play Dr Mario everyday to ensure that they maintain and familiarise with what they are doing. To my surprise, this amendment actually passed because no one wanted to debate against it, unlike the Marvel and DC Comics amendment which was created to aid developed countries to pay off their sustainable debt and to regulate the financial market. Unfortunately, this resolution was not passed as quite a number of delegates voted against it.

With that, it brought an end to all the resolutions that the ECOSOC came up with and we proceeded to debate about joke resolutions which involved Pokemon VS Digimon, the Big Bang Theory and Harry Potter instead. That was quite fun because the previous formal topics were quite dry and these topics provided the delegates a new perspective to debate about. Only some delegate went with it and I, as the delegate of Guatemala, a LEDC country, have to reaffirm that our people, having absolutely no TVs and Gameboys so they wouldn't in a million years know what are Pokemons and the world of Pokemons so the resolution does not really benefit our country. This was greeted by quite a number of POIs, but since the resolution was quite popular, it was passed.

Moving on to the 2nd joke resolution, it mentioned placing chips in humans to assess their medical state, using magical powers to heal and bring people back from the death as well as having a robot army from Japan to save people from epidemics. While it was quite promising because it meant that no one would die, I went forward and delivered a speech about the consequences of messing with nature as well as being eventually terminated by robots, as seen in the movie Terminator. Most of the delegates went along and this resolution was not passed.

With that, ECOSOC of KLMUN 2012 was brought to an end. This year's was certainly one of the most memorable. Who would have thought that Adam and I would attend a conference where delegates sang the Pokemon song, spoke in Pokemon and Harry Potter language amidst discussing about crucial matters involving managing debts in developed countries? We certainly enjoyed working hard and playing hard. 
~Written by Adam & Nicole~
Nicole (Circled) voting 

See how straight Adam's arm is 



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