Saturday 19 February 2011

KLMUN 2011: The debating begins...

Day 1 & 2 consists of lobbying, resolution writing and debating.  These are the key skills of an MUN delegate and.The key focus of day 1 is to present your ideas in your opening speech and then try and persuade other delegates to support your ideas.  Your speech needs to be clear, succinct and no more than 1 minute in length. 

If your speech is persuasive enough you will join together as co-submitters and write a resolution.  A resolution is a document that describes the topic of discussion and explains how you and your group suggest the UN should solve it.  
As a delegate you need to  use all your research and skills to write an informed, accurate and supported resolution. This process involves a lot of discussion between each delegate. 

The resolution is then put forward to debate.  In each committee all delegates consider the evidence and through questioning and discussion the decide whether the resolution is worthwhile and effective.

Delegates present for and against speeches and question the resolution writers until the committee is ready to vote.  The chair ensures all delegates have the opportunity to question and clarify all points.

Voting consists of a closed room where delegates vote for the resolution, against or abstain (refrain from voting).


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