Friday, 11 February 2011

Day 1 reflections

Today hasn't stopped!  The conference officially began at 9am with a Lunar New Year celebratory dance and speeches from the Secretary Generals, CDNIS Principal, a guest speaker and our very own Alex Marichal!!! 

The team had worked hard the night before to produce a really good introductory speech. 
Alex starts the conference with a great speech
To his credit Alex volunteered to kick off his first conference by presenting the speech for our delegation. 

Obviously we are Afghanistan, which otherwise equates as the first country to present!  With lots of support from Hasmah, Simran, Lisa, Seri & Ariana Alex confidently walked to the podium and delivered a great rendition in front of 300 delegates from 13 international schools, all the staff and distinguished guests without a glimpse of nerves. 

Read all about our first day impressions
That speech set the standard for the rest of the day.  All the delegates surpassed expectations and quickly got into the swing of the conference.  But enough from me!  Each of the delegates will be giving you their first day impressions and observations when they've recovered, so keep posted. 

No rest for the committed MUNers though we're off for dinner at The Peak tonight, pics and comments to follow :) 


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