Saturday 19 February 2011

KLMUN 2011: Delegate Commentaries

You Zhen from Year8
MUN has been an awesome experience so far! Two days have passed extremely quickly! On the first day, I was overwhelmed by how many people there were in the General Assembly! There were about 112 delegates in there! So for the first two days, I was pretty much speechless. I was too nervous, to get up and look the 112 delegates in the eyes! But for the last day, I am well prepared! I am filled with confidence! I am ready to face the 112 delegates! *gulp* My advice for the first-timers is to be always well prepared! Make sure that you are never nervous! And practice, practice, practice!
Kai Song Year 10
Hi! This was my first MUN conference and I was the delegate for Thailand in the Human Rights Council.  The first day in our council was very much about opening speeches and lobbying.  Personally, I think my opening speech was OK as I prepared it well in advance.  However, it was somewhat awkward for me in the lobbying part as I didn't prepare a resolution beforehand unlike other delegates. Preparing a resolution in advance is something I would recommend doing. The second day was the most interesting part of our conference dominated by debates.  Many delegates had interesting and creative ideas to share and I learnt many things from other delegates. It's relaxing, fun and humorous and I really enjoyed. I think that for future MUNers, it's crucial that you prepare your speech beforehand and practice well to ensure that you present it with confidence. It's also important to research everything related to your country and know your facts well to prevent being bombarded or condemned by others. It can be quite embarrassing if you make a wrong statement about your country.  I really enjoyed the KLMUN conference and hope to participate again in the future.

Danny from Year 8
This year's conference was serious, interesting and the language was complex; just the way I like it. This MUN was the perfect place for me to talk, debate and enjoy myself. The only possible way to enhance the experience was if I had joined a smaller committee so I could debate more, because the chair wanted everyone of the 112 delegates to speak. So sometimes the amendments I sent or the POIs I requested weren't recognized, but that is what comes with joining a large committee like the General Assembly. My advice to first-timers is to go through the first day focusing mainly on understanding how the MUN conducts it's conferences; the roles and procedures, then the next day, if the nervousness leaves you (which it should) you can make POIs and send amendments all you want with extreme confidence.

Nicole Year 10
MUN is really interesting and it really opened my perspectives on different topics of the world. The first 2 days were fine but I thought that the 2nd day was much more interesting due to the fact that the debating began. The first day was all about opening speeches and discussing possible resolutions. I think that the first day is more about meeting new friends and getting to know each other; whilst the second day was more lively with aggressive debates. For future MUNers, this is definitely very interesting. As long as you have researched your topics and the country that you are representing thoroughly, you'll have a great time in the conferences. 

KLMUN 2011: The debating begins...

Day 1 & 2 consists of lobbying, resolution writing and debating.  These are the key skills of an MUN delegate and.The key focus of day 1 is to present your ideas in your opening speech and then try and persuade other delegates to support your ideas.  Your speech needs to be clear, succinct and no more than 1 minute in length. 

If your speech is persuasive enough you will join together as co-submitters and write a resolution.  A resolution is a document that describes the topic of discussion and explains how you and your group suggest the UN should solve it.  
As a delegate you need to  use all your research and skills to write an informed, accurate and supported resolution. This process involves a lot of discussion between each delegate. 

The resolution is then put forward to debate.  In each committee all delegates consider the evidence and through questioning and discussion the decide whether the resolution is worthwhile and effective.

Delegates present for and against speeches and question the resolution writers until the committee is ready to vote.  The chair ensures all delegates have the opportunity to question and clarify all points.

Voting consists of a closed room where delegates vote for the resolution, against or abstain (refrain from voting).

Friday 18 February 2011

KLMUN 2011: Human Rights Council (HRC)

What is the role of the HRC?
Nicole, Wen Wen & Kai Song
The Human Rights Council HRC consists of 47 States responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe.  The Council was created on 15 March 2006 with the main purpose of addressing situations of human rights violations and make recommendations on them. 

Who are the delegates?

What are they debating?
  • The question of internet censorship on the rights to freedom of expression.
  • Addressing the human rights of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Palestine and in the Middle East.
  • Measures to effectively implement the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA) and to eradicate racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
  • Situation of human rights in Myanmar following the general election.

Economic & Social Council ECOSOC

What is the role of ECOSOC?
The ECOSOC or Economic & Social Council coordinates the economic, social, and related work of the 14 UN specialized agencies, functional commissions and five regional commissions. It is the main area for discussing international economic and social issues, and for formulating policy recommendations addressed to Member States and the United Nations system. It is responsible for:
  • promoting higher standards of living, full employment, and economic and social progress;
  • identifying solutions to international economic, social and health problems;
  • facilitating international cultural and educational cooperation; and
  • encouraging universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Who are the delegates?

Stephanie takes her turn at the podium

Hasmah nervously awaits her turn at the lectern
What will they be debating?
  • Measures to strengthen disaster preparation and coordination of relief to international crises.
  • The role of multinational corporations (MNC) in the globalised economy.
  • The question of international cooperation in the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of economic fraud.
  • Tackling the loss of natural capital and its negative effects on the global economy.

General Assembly (GA)

What is the role of the GA?
You Zhen, Danny, Jack, Carlos & Sharmaine
The General Assembly (GA) is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the United Nations. Comprising all 192 Members of the United Nations, it provides a unique forum for discussion of the full spectrum of international issues.

Who are the delegates?

What will they be discussing?
  • Addresing the maritime needs and concerns of landlocked countries.
  • Measure to combat desertification in those countries experiencing severe drought and/or desertification, particualrly in Africa.
  • Developing information technology and telecommunications whilst maintaining international security.
  • Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation.

KLMUN 2011

After the great success at the SEASAC MUN last week we are sending a team of 10 delegates to Garden International School for the 2011 Kuala Lumpur Model United Nations conference.  
Our NISP KL MUN delegates
The theme of the conference is 'Living in Harmony'.  We will be debating a number of key global issues from economic fraud to desertification, strengthening disaster preparation and relief to eradicationg racism and xenophobia! 

For more information about the different committees and the delegates check out the following pages. 

Saturday 12 February 2011

Last day in Hong Kong

Hanging out at The Peak
Our last morning in Hong Kong and time for some sightseeing. Well, sightseeing and shopping of course! We headed to Kowloon on the Star Ferry.

Hong Kong skyline
It's definitely colder here in Hong Kong. What better way to warm up and escape the drizzle than a Starbucks hot chocolate with a great view of Tsim Sha Tsui. 

Friday 11 February 2011

Meet the Delegates

Alex Year 8
 For all of you that don’t know me, I am Alex,  in 8N.  I'm representing Afghanistan in the Disarmament Council and this is my first MUN conference. 
Being in Hong Kong for the first time is really cool, all the buildings are high not a single one is what we would call 'normal sized'.  The first day of the conference has been really good.  I started off by presenting our delegation's opening speech.  I think I did pretty well but I was really nervous.  You could see it because my hands were shaking non stop.  

It has been a great day and to finish it off we went to The Peak. I was so happy that they had Fanta, takes forever to get in Malaysia. When we were eating I managed to buy a burger eat it wait 5 minutes buy another burger eat it all before the girls were done (slow eaters)!!!!  

What a day! Now to get ready for the next. 

Ariana Year 9

Lisa Year 10
Hey y’all! Everyone calls me Lisa.  I’m originally from The Netherlands but now live in Malaysia due to my Dad’s job. I enrolled Nexus International School in Putrajaya (NISP) and am really glad I chose this school. Currently it’s our third day in Hong Kong and unfortunately last, day of SEASAC MUN. 
Today was amazing! I’m was in the SHC committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) which discussed, this time,  the indigenous people and racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia. The country I represented, Afghanistan, was quite challenging but I enjoyed it. As this was my second MUN confernence I tried  hard to hekp the others when I could.  

SEASAC MUN was an incredible experience and I encourage everyone to participate in any MUN conference. 

Simran Year 10
Simarn fights the nerves to address the commitee
Hey, Sim here!!! I have just had the most awesome days of my life with Lisa, Hasmah, Ariana, Seri and Alex. I just moved to Nexus International School Putrajaya a month ago. I decided to join SEASAC MUN and iIm extremely glad I did. 

It's our third day in Hong Kong and our last day of MUN conference. I represented Afghanistan in the ECOSOC community. It was an amazing experience, we got to overcome our fears of public speaking, understand how members of the UN work, and got to meet some amazing people. The conference was confusing at first, but now, it makes complete sense.  Right now, we’re hanging out in Alex’s room, having the time of our lives, laughing and eating Pretzels and Evian.

Hong Kong has been an amazing experience and I am glad to have been able to experience such an amazing event.

Hasmah Year 10
Hello! How’s everyone doing? I’m Hasmah. I’ve been at Nexus International School in Putrajaya since January this year. So far? It’s been amazing! Great friends and teachers too of course. I’m currently in Hong Kong with Seri, Lisa, Ariana, Simran and Alex. Also, I would like to state that we have been laughing for random reasons for hours now. Clarification will be given once we arrive in Malaysia.  
Today’s the last day of the SEASAC MUN in The Canadian International School of Hong Kong. All of us were the delegates of Afghanistan. I was in the Human Rights Council. We basically protect human right and every way possible. Even with global climate change impacts. The questions were, as listed;
  • Question of Strengthening Measures to Combat Global Climate Change Impacts.
  • Question of the Human Rights Situation in Palestine.
  • Question of Strengthening International Human Rights Treaties.
It was an amazing experience. Of course, I was as terrified as ever on day 1. It got better but the fear was still there.  
Day 2 started and everything started to make sense. The huge words the delegates use in their speeches and questions, how to write a resolution, how to make a speech and everything else. Trust me it has got to be the most amazing conference I’ve ever been to. The knowledge on current affairs we got; really useful. It was nice to be able to talk to the other delegates, we learnt a lot about their country.  Of course, all of them were really friendly. 

Seri Year 10


Day 1 reflections

Today hasn't stopped!  The conference officially began at 9am with a Lunar New Year celebratory dance and speeches from the Secretary Generals, CDNIS Principal, a guest speaker and our very own Alex Marichal!!! 

The team had worked hard the night before to produce a really good introductory speech. 
Alex starts the conference with a great speech
To his credit Alex volunteered to kick off his first conference by presenting the speech for our delegation. 

Obviously we are Afghanistan, which otherwise equates as the first country to present!  With lots of support from Hasmah, Simran, Lisa, Seri & Ariana Alex confidently walked to the podium and delivered a great rendition in front of 300 delegates from 13 international schools, all the staff and distinguished guests without a glimpse of nerves. 

Read all about our first day impressions
That speech set the standard for the rest of the day.  All the delegates surpassed expectations and quickly got into the swing of the conference.  But enough from me!  Each of the delegates will be giving you their first day impressions and observations when they've recovered, so keep posted. 

No rest for the committed MUNers though we're off for dinner at The Peak tonight, pics and comments to follow :) 

Thursday 10 February 2011

Day 1 - the nerves kick in

Where have the Year 8, 9 & 10's gone?
Breakfast at 7am then final preparations before we head to CDNIS for the 9am conference start.  I can't believe how professional and adult our delegates look.  I sent Nexus learners to bed and woke up to a group of business people!  The emergency speech preparation last night definitely cemented our delegation group and focussed us for our tasks ahead.

Like everything in Hong Kong CDNIS appears to have been supersized!  The 13 storey school will be a great platform for our debating.
The group get ready to leave the hotel

Alex & Lisa do some last minute preparation. 

Lisa, Ariana & Seri check out the impressive views

Alex will be representing the delegation in the General Assembly opening ceremony.

Yeah the conference begins - who are we representing again??