Saturday 1 January 2011

Nexus Model United Nations

Where did it all begin?
Early 2010 was definitely the year of 'in at the deep end' in terms of the MUN.  It was a steep learning curve but with very short notice we successfully sent delegates to the SEASAC & KLMUN conferences at GIS and began to establish our MUN programme within school.  

In light of our success we had a great start to the 2010/2011 academic year with invitations to the CNDIS hosted SEASAC Year of Youth conference in Hong Kong and the GIS hosted KLMUN.  

This blog is your opportunity to share our journey presenting, debating and resolving issues facing us and our world today.   


Unknown said...

Dear MUNers. You all look so good!!! I'm very proud to be mother of one.

Good luck you all, and special thanks to miss Suzy for preparing and guiding our MUNers at this event.
Big hug for every body!!

NexusHumanities :D said...

Thanks Lia, Lisa and the rest of the delegates have done so well! A busy but exciting day. Looking forward to tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

Goed gedaan allemaal,

Ik volg jullie.

Margriet Thimister, Lisa's tante.

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